Grow supporters
in social networks

Add new supporters to message in-channel with our easy-to-use tools - perfect for websites, QR codes, emails, SMS…anywhere.
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GoodUnited is the trusted partner of leading nonprofits looking to
maximize revenue in social networks

Your next supporter is just one click away

Say goodbye to clunky and friction-filled lead forms and say hello to single-click acquisition. Our acquisition tools are designed for the optimal supporter experience - one click and that’s it!
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Create a strong first impression

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Connect a messaging journey to any acquisition tool to create a personal and memorable first experience with your organization.
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Acquire once, message forever

Just like with email and SMS, once a supporter gives your organization permission to connect in Messenger, it never expires!
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See it for yourself
Get a guided walk-through of the
GoodUnited fundraising software for Facebook and Instagram.
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